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bind ALT "cl_pitchspeed 100000;centerview;+lookdown;+attack;+moveup;wait;wait;-attack;-moveup;-lookdown;centerview;cl_pitchspeed 140"

Name: Rocketjump
Author: Toxy
Description: Looks down, rocketjumps, and centers your view. This should not work really, but it does.
Instructions: Put the text below into your config, replacing 'x' with the button of your choice.

Duck & Cover

set duck "+movedown; set crouchswitch vstr stand; echo Crouching..."
set stand "-movedown; set crouchswitch vstr duck; echo Standing..."
set crouchswitch "vstr duck"
bind c "vstr crouchswitch"
Zoom Toggle
Name: Duck & Cover
Author: indian18
Description: Click once to crouch and stay down, click the button again to stand up.
Instructions: Put the text below into your config replacing 'c' with the button of your choice.

set zoomin "+zoom; set zoomtoggle vstr zoomout; bind mwheelup vstr zoomcycleup;

 bind mwheeldown vstr zoomcycledown;

vstr lowsens"
set zoomout "-zoom; set zoomtoggle vstr zoomin; bind mwheelup vstr stand;

 bind mwheeldown vstr crouch; vstr highsens"
set zoomtoggle vstr zoomin
set zoomcycle80 "set cg_zoomfov 80; echo Zoom Set to FOV 80; set zoomcycleup vstr zoomcycle65;

 set zoomcycledown vstr zoomcycle80"
set zoomcycle65 "set cg_zoomfov 65; echo Zoom Set to FOV 65; set zoomcycleup vstr zoomcycle45;

set zoomcycledown vstr zoomcycle80"
set zoomcycle45 "set cg_zoomfov 45; echo Zoom Set to FOV 45; set zoomcycleup vstr zoomcycle25;

set zoomcycledown vstr zoomcycle65"
set zoomcycle25 "set cg_zoomfov 25; echo Zoom Set to FOV 25; set zoomcycleup vstr zoomcycle25;

 set zoomcycledown vstr zoomcycle45"
set cg_zoomfov 45
set highsens "sensitivity 15"
set lowsens "sensitivity 5"
set zoomcycleup vstr zoomcycle65
set zoomcycledown vstr zoomcycle80
bind mouse2 vstr zoomtoggle

Sensitivity Switch

Name: Zoom Toggle
Author: indian18
Description: Click once to zoom in, use your wheel to adjust zoom level, then click again to zoom back out and return your wheel to normal use.
Instructions: Put the text below into your config replacing 'mouse2' with the button of your choice and the numbers with the fov's of your choice. Also, replace the rebindings of the mwheelup and mwheeldown to what you normally have and the settings of lowsens (sensitvity while zooming) and highsens (normal sensitivity).

set senshigh "set sensitivity 6.5; set sensswitch vstr senshigh; play sound\player\clank4"
set senslow "set sensitivity 3; set sensswitch vstr senslow; play sound\player\clank2"
set sensswitch vstr senslow
set sensitivity vstr highsens
bind g vstr sensswitch
Quick Rail
Name: Sensitivity Switch
Author: Essobie
Description: Click once to change to the low sensitivity, and again to go to the higher one.
Instructions: Put the text below into your config replacing the numbers with the sensitivities of your choice. Also, replace 'g' with the key of your choice.

set rail "weapon 7; set qrail vstr preweap; echo Railing..."
set preweap "weapprev; set qrail vstr rail; echo Reverting to previous weapon..."
set qrail "vstr rail"
bind r "vstr qrail"
Rail Rainbow
Name: Quick Rail
Author: indian18
Description: Click once to switch to the railgun, then again to switch to back to the first weapon you have lower in number than the rail. If you have none, it will return to your highest weapon. Unfortunately, there is no command which gives you the previously used weapon (unless it is the next lowest weapon you have).
Instructions: Put the text below into your config replacing 'r' with the button of your choice.

// Rail Rainbow
// ============
set rail0 "color 0; set rrail vstr rail1"
set rail1 "color 1; set rrail vstr rail2"
set rail2 "color 2; set rrail vstr rail3"
set rail3 "color 3; set rrail vstr rail4"
set rail4 "color 4; set rrail vstr rail5"
set rail5 "color 5; set rrail vstr rail6"
set rail6 "color 6; set rrail vstr rail0"
vstr rail0
set rrail vstr rail0
bind x "weapon 7; vstr rrail"
Model View
Name: Rail Rainbow
Author: Essobie
Description: This one flips through the different colors of the railgun...Taste the Rainbow!
Instructions: Put the text below into your config replacing 'x' with the button of your choice.

Level of Detail Cycler
Name: Model View
Author: Artist
Description: The keypad number '5' toggles 3rd person mode off and on. While in 3rd person, (all of these keys are the ones on the keypad) the leftarrow rotates your view left, the right arrow rotates it right, and up and down move you closer to and farther away from your model. An excellent script for modellers and skinners to see how your creation actually looks in the game.
Instructions: Download the file below replacing the controls with the buttons of your choice.

// ==============================
// Level of Detail Cycler -Pasty
// ==============================
set LOD2 "r_lodbias 2; set lodcyc vstr LOD1; cg_simpleitems 1; r_dynamiclight 0;

 r_fastsky 1; r_noportals 1; r_drawSun 0; cg_gibs 0; echo Lowest Detail"
set LOD1 "r_lodbias 1; set lodcyc vstr LOD0; r_dynamiclight 1; r_drawSun 1;

 cg_simpleitems 0; cg_gibs 1; echo Medium Detail"
set LOD0 "r_lodbias 0; set lodcyc vstr LOD2; r_noportals 0; set r_fastsky 0;

 echo Max Detail"
set lodcyc vstr LOD2
bind F3 "vstr lodcyc"
// el fin

Clean Screenshot

Name: Level of Detail Cycler
Author: Pasty
Description: Cycles through the three values of the level of detail.
Instructions: Put the text below into your config replacing 'F3' with the button of your choice.

If you play with cg_drawgun 0 (weapon not showing):
bind x "cg_draw2d 0; wait; wait; wait; screenshot; toggle cg_draw2d"

If you play with cg_drawgun 1 (weapon shows):
bind x "cg_draw2d 0;cg_drawgun 0; wait; wait; wait; screenshot; toggle cg_draw2d; toggle cg_drawgun"
Essobie's Tip Dictionary
Name: Clean Screenshot
Author: Artificer
Description: Click to clear the junk off your screen and take the screenshot, then return to normal.
Instructions: Put the text below into your config replacing 'F3' with the button of your choice.




Name: Essobie's Tip Dictionary
Author: Essobie
Description: This little script lets you scroll through preset answers to commonly asked questions. Using F3, F4, and F5 - or whatever you change them to - you can scroll through the various tips and say the one that is needed. This way, you aren't constantly typing the same answer to the same question you always here. It's also very easy to change the tips and even add more if desired.
Instructions: Download the file below replacing the controls with the buttons of your choice.

set antilag_on "cg_lagometer 1; rate 1; snaps 1; cl_maxpackets 10; cl_nodelta 1;

 echo [AntiLag ON];

 play sound\misc\menu1;

 set antilag vstr antilag_off"
set antilag_off "cg_lagometer 0; rate 3500; snaps 20; cl_maxpackets 30; cl_nodelta 0;

 echo [AntiLag OFF];

 play sound\misc\menu3;

set antilag vstr antiLag_on"
set antilag vstr antilag_on
bind x vstr antilag

Wheelmouse Zoom-Walk


Name: Anti-Lag
Author: Krahdmirr
Description: Click to set packet settings low during a serious lag and/or a timeout, click again to return to normal settings.
Instructions: Put the text below into your config replacing 'X' with the button of your choice and the variable settings to fit your preference.

seta ZOOMIN "vstr snipefov; set wheeldn vstr ZOOMOUT"
seta ZOOMOUT "vstr regfov; set wheeldn vstr CLWALK"
seta CLWALK "seta cl_run 0; set wheelup vstr CLRUN"
seta CLRUN "seta cl_run 1; set wheelup vstr ZOOMIN"
set snipefov "set fov 40"
set regfov "set fov 110"
set wheelup vstr ZOOMOUT
set wheeldn vstr CLWALK
bind mwheelup "vstr wheelup"
bind mwheeldn "vstr wheeldn"
Spectator Toggle
Name: Wheelmouse Zoom-Walk
Author: David Chase
Description: Wheel the mousewheel down to walk, then back up to run. Or, wheel it up to zoom in, and down to zoom back out.
Instructions: Put the text below into your config replacing the 'regfov' and 'snipefov' settings to your liking.

set spectator "team s;set spec vstr play"
set play "team r; set spec vstr spectator"
set spec "vstr spectator"
bind p "vstr spec"

Demo Script


Name: Spectator Toggle
Author: SDSC_Envy
Description: Click to become a spectator, and click again to return to the fray.
Instructions: Put the text below into your config replacing 'p' with the button of your choice. Remember, your score will be set to 0 when you become a spectator.
Name: Demo Script
Author: Essobie
Description: Has keys to start and stop recording a demo and que up the next and the prev demo.
Instructions: Download the file below, and note that the bindings have a // in front of them. You must delete these for the script to work.


Callvote Cycler

Nme: Callvote Cycler
Author: Essobie
Description: A nifty script that you can use when you want to call a vote for another map.

 You can cycle through the gametypes, then the maps, and choose the one you wish to propose a vote for.

You can even use it to cast a vote. The .cfg file has complete instructions included in it.
Instructions: Download the file below replacing the controls with the buttons of your choice.


4 Group Weapons 

Name: 4 Group Weapons
Author: Essobie
  cription: Arranges all the weapons into 4 keys for easy management.
Instructions: Download the file below replacing the controls with the buttons of your choice.


 Teamplay Toggle

Name: Teamplay Toggle
Author: Essobie
Description: Toggles the teamplay overlay, con_notifytime from 3 to 1.5, and teamsay time as well.
Instructions: Put the text below into your config, replacing 'x' with the button of your choice.

set teamon "con_notifytime 1.5; cg_teamChatTime 8000; cg_drawTeamOverlay 1; set teamtoggle vstr teamoff"
set teamoff "con_notifytime 3; cg_teamChatTime 3000; cg_drawTeamOverlay 0; set teamtoggle vstr teamon"
set teamtoggle vstr teamon
bind x vstr teamtoggle

Quick Pills

// Quick Pills
set pills "weapon 4; wait; wait; +attack; set qpills vstr preweap;"
set preweap "-attack; weapnext; set qpills vstr pills"
set qpills "vstr pills"
bind x "vstr qpills"
Name: Quick Pills
Author: sh4ms
Description: Based on a quake2 alias by indian18, One click switches to pills and starts firing, next click stops and switches to the next weapon in your inventory. ,
Instructions: Put the text below into your config, replacing 'x' with the button of your choice.

Sonic Mayhem Music Cycler

set music6 "stopsound; echo No music; set musicc vstr music5"
set music5 "music music\sonic1.wav; echo Sonic 1; set musicc vstr music4"
set music4 "music music\sonic2.wav; echo Sonic 2; set musicc vstr music3"
set music3 "music music\sonic3.wav; echo Sonic 3; set musicc vstr music2"
set music2 "music music\sonic4.wav; echo Sonic 4; set musicc vstr music1"
set music1 "music music\sonic5.wav; echo Sonic 5; set musicc vstr music0"
set music0 "music music\sonic6.wav; echo Sonic 6; set musicc vstr music6"
set musicc vstr music6
bind F10 "vstr musicc"
bind F9 "vstr music6"
Name: Sonic Mayhem Music Cycler
Author: dilb0t[CB]
Description: Cycles through the different tracks for the background music you want with F10 (first click will stop the music). F9 stops the music.
Instructions: Put the text below into your config, replacing 'F9' and 'F10' with the buttons of your choice.

Demo Playback

set demopause "cl_freezedemo 1"
set slow "cl_freezedemo 0;timescale .5;echo Slow"
set normal "cl_freezedemo 0;;timescale 1;echo Normal"
set ff "cl_freezedemo 0;timescale 2;echo Fast Forward"
set ff+ "cl_freezedemo 0;timescale 3;echo Hi-Speed Fast Forward"
bind kp_5 "vstr demopause"
bind kp_leftarrow "vstr slow"
bind kp_home "vstr normal"
bind kp_uparrow "vstr ff"
bind kp_rightarrow "vstr ff+"
Name: Demo Playback
Author: BONG
Description: Assigns some keypad keys for pause, normal, fast forward, and super fast forward.
Instructions: Put the text below into your config, replacing the keys with the buttons of your choice.

Map Selection Script

Name: Map Selection Script
Author: Asha'man
Description: Toggles through maps for selecting. Works well for listen servers or when you practicing different levels with bots and such. The file itself has a good description of how the script works.
Instructions: Download the file below replacing the controls with the buttons of your choice.

3 Toggle Weapons

Name: 3 Toggle Weapons
Author: [f0o.Tick]
Description: Three small toggles that put six weapons on mousewheelup, mousewheeldown, and mouse3 - Toggles between 2 weapons on each button. You can use any 3 buttons however. Wheelup toggles Machinegun and Lightning Gun, Wheeldown toggles Shotgun and Plasma Gun, and mouse3 toggles Rocket Launcher and Railgun.
Instructions: Put the text below into your config, replacing the keys with the buttons of your choice (the last line of each group).

//MWheelUp Multiple-Weaponbind Script
set lg "weapon 6; weapon 2; set upweaps vstr mg"
set mg "weapon 2; weapon 6; set upweaps vstr lg"
set upweaps "vstr lg"
bind mwheelup "vstr upweaps"

//MWheelDown Multiple-Weaponbind Script
set sg "weapon 3; weapon 8; set downweaps vstr pg"
set pg "weapon 8; weapon 3; set downweaps vstr sg"
set downweaps "vstr sg"
bind mwheeldown "vstr downweaps"

//Mouse3 Multiple-Weaponbind Script
set rl "weapon 5; weapon 7; set weapongroup vstr rg"
set rg "weapon 7; weapon 5; set weapongroup vstr rl"
set weapongroup "vstr rl"
bind mouse3 "vstr weapongroup"

Taunt Script

Name: Taunt Script
Author: wiz
Description: Toggles through taunts and insults. Half are told to the person attacking you, and the other half go to the person you are attacking (one and the same if you happen to be engaged in a 1v1 firefight).
Instructions: Download the file below replacing the controls with the buttons of your choice.
Secondary Weapons
Name: Secondary Weapons
Author: boi
Description: This script sets primary and secondary weapons to easily customizable keys. It also comes with a txt file which completely explains the purpose of the scrips and how it works.
Instructions: Download the file below replacing the controls with the buttons of your choice.



Striker's Up Top Script
Name: Striker's Up Top Script
Author: Striker
Description: This is a complete ctf communications script that binds all the messages to the Function Keys. The readme included in the zip file explains how it works.
Instructions: Download the file below and modify to fit your needs.


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                               by abO

Indulás: 2004-10-10
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Hivatalos, hogy jön a Haikyuu!! Gomisuteba no Kessen movie! Magyar nyelvû plakát, magyar feliratos elõzetes!    *****    Todoroki Shoto Fanfiction oldal, nézzetek be és olvassatok! Új Shoto nendoroid blog az oldalon!    *****    A Múzsa, egy gruppi élményei a színfalak mögött :)    *****    Madarak és fák napjára új mesével vár a Mesetár! Nézz be hozzánk!    *****    Rosta Iván diplomás asztrológus vagyok! Szívesen elkészítem a horoszkópodat, fordúlj hozzám bizalommal. Várom a hívásod!    *****    Dryvit, hõszigetelés! Vállaljuk családi házak, lakások, egyéb épületek szigetelését kedvezõ áron! Hívjon! 0630/583-3168    *****    Ha te is könyvkiadásban gondolkodsz, ajánlom figyelmedbe az postomat, amiben minden összegyûjtött információt megírtam.    *****    Nyereményjáték! Nyerd meg az éjszakai arckrémet! További információkért és játék szabályért kattints! Nyereményjáték!    *****    A legfrissebb hírek Super Mario világából, plusz információk, tippek-trükkök, végigjátszások!    *****    Ha hagyod, hogy magával ragadjon a Mario Golf miliõje, akkor egy egyedi és életre szóló játékélménnyel leszel gazdagabb!    *****    A horoszkóp a lélek tükre, nagyon fontos idõnként megtudni, mit rejteget. Keress meg és nézzünk bele együtt. Várlak!    *****    Dryvit, hõszigetelés! Vállaljuk családi házak, lakások, nyaralók és egyéb épületek homlokzati szigetelését!    ***** - -    *****    Vérfarkasok, boszorkányok, alakváltók, démonok, bukott angyalok és emberek. A világ oly' színes, de vajon békés is?    *****    Az emberek vakok, kiváltképp akkor, ha olyasmivel találkoznak, amit kényelmesebb nem észrevenni... - HUNGARIANFORUM    *****    Valahol Delaware államban létezik egy város, ahol a természetfeletti lények otthonra lelhetnek... Közéjük tartozol?    *****    Minden mágia megköveteli a maga árát... Ez az ár pedig néha túlságosan is nagy, hogy megfizessük - FRPG    *****    Why do all the monsters come out at night? - FRPG - Why do all the monsters come out at night? - FRPG - Aktív közösség    *****    Az oldal egy évvel ezelõtt költözött új otthonába, azóta pedig az élet csak pörög és pörög! - AKTÍV FÓRUMOS SZEREPJÁTÉK    *****    Vajon milyen lehet egy rejtélyekkel teli kisváros polgármesterének lenni? És mi történik, ha a bizalmasod árul el?